Clubs & Activities
Band and Orchestra
Fourth and Fifth graders who are interested in playing an instrument are encouraged to join band (woodwind, brass, percussion) or orchestra (strings) starting in the fall of each year.
Student Council
This is an activity led by fifth grade student council officers as well as grade level representatives who are interested in taking on leadership roles within the school. Student Council provides services to the school and assists in organizing school-wide activities and philanthropic projects. These students introduce concerts and programs, run tours for new students and promote school spirit with ongoing events.
Peer Buddies
Wilmot Elementary School prides itself on celebrating differences in an inclusive school environment. Peer Buddies provides an opportunity for intermediate age students to work with younger students to support their academics and Social Emotional Learning in various settings.
Talent Show
This special event allows students to showcase their talents and special skills. This teacher run event was the hit of our end of year celebration. Over 150 students participated in acts, as our stage crew or by serving as an emcee. Even or staff joined in with a surprise dance number.
Young Author's Conference
The Young Authors’ Conference, held each year in May at Illinois State University in Normal, Illinois, is an event sponsored by the Illinois Language and Literacy Council, in conjunction with the Illinois Reading Council. Designed as a celebration to honor exceptional writing by students in grades K through 8, the conference provides an opportunity for these young writers to meet published authors and to hear how the authors themselves create the characters and stories that have become their books.
Spelling Bee 2024